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January 27, 2014
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday January 27, 2014
Town Hall Annex

February 23, 2014

Present: Lou Trostel, Lynne Grettum, Paul Constantino, Bruce Rollins

The meeting was convened at about 7:10 pm

The minutes of the December 2013 meeting were accepted with no corrections.

Superintendent Job Search
We will restart our candidate search efforts in January with a notice in the Landmark and on our website – noting that it is an 8-month a year job.

Lot Buy-Back Request
We received one request for the buy-back of a Woodlawn lot with 3 spaces purchased in 1997 for $675. All present were in favor of the request which now goes through the Town Clerk and the Selectmen.

Bruce had photographs of a number of the improvements we have made in a number of the cemeteries. It was suggested several be selected for inclusion in the Town Annual Report such as the newly installed flag pole, the signs at the cemeteries and the improved road at North.

Bruce will be meeting with the Conservation Commission about the wetlands near the exit road at Woodlawn.

Lynn will check with the Assessors about their mapping ability. Bill McNary, former Cemetery Commission member, may possibly be able to help.

In 2014 plans is the regrading of the entrance road to Woodlawn Cemetery. This would be worked on after Memorial Day.

Budget planning for next year (FY15  - starts July 1, 2014)
Expenses will be the same as last year ($4372)
We have no capital expense items.
There is about $5739 left in the improvement account which should be adequate for our improvement work in this next year.

Several improvements were discussed. Paul would like to see a flag pole installed at Meetinghouse Cemetery.
Plantings including bushes at South were suggested. Paul will check to see if we could get some design help for this work from the Princeton Garden Club.

Annual Report
The 2013 Annual Report for the Cemetery Commission needs to be submitted

Next Meeting
Because of the Presidents Day holiday in February, the next meeting of the Cemetery Commission will be held on Monday February 24, 2014.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm.

L J Trostel Jr, Secretary/Chairman
